
Thursday, May 30, 2019

Comparison of Still I Rise and Realities of a Black Woman Essay

Comparison of Still I Rise and Realities of a Black WomanCompare and Contrast the poems Still I Rise By Maya Angelou and Ofcourse when they ask about the Realities of black women by aggrandizeNichols.Still I Rise written by Maya Angelou and Of course when they askabout the Realities of black woman written by Grace Nichols, arethe two poems that I will be comparing and writing about. These poemsare expressing the opinions of how white people would like to expose orhow they see black women.I understand that the word culture means a wide range of ideas,knowledge and beliefs. That is usually shared between the people of acountry, place, race, group or religion. The word Culture can alsomean a way of life, or set of every day activities, for example aMuslim will worship five clips a day. I also understand that with inone culture it is possible to develop numerous different cultures.Both poems are from a different culture to my own. The poems and poetscome from the same culture, which is black. Grace Nichols originallycame from Guyana and Maya Angelou originally came from Missouri. Bothpoets are black each(prenominal) poem suggests this in its own individual way asin the poem Still I Rise the poet Maya Angelou uses the wordSlaves, and in the past slaves have usually been referred to asblack people. In the poem Of course when they ask about theRealities of black women the poet Grace Nichols uses I like to seewe black women, This suggests that she is not just writing aboutblack women and that she is a black woman herself as she changes herlanguage from I to we.The poem Still I rise by Maya Angelou is mainly about one blackwoman. In the poem it is saying about a black woman being t... ...propriately. The line whichdidnt work for me was I am the ideate and hope of the slave this isbecause when this poem was written there would have been less slaveryand I do not believe that she is the dream of the slave. The rest Ivery much like.Graces poem confused me and some p art did not make any sense to me soI effectuate it very hard too follow in what was being said. This poem hasa lot of depth. I think it is not straight to the point, this to givesthe impression that Grace may still fear to speak about her past. Thestructure and shape of the poem I didnt like not like. To me itlooked as thou no time had been taken was a rush and burst of thoughtall at once.Over all I preferred Maya Angelous poem Still I Rise2 I think thatshe is a very strong black feminist writer. I hope that in the futurewe will be looking at to a greater extent of her work.

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