
Monday, February 10, 2014

Meursault in "The Stranger" by Albert Camus.

Meaning of Life Life is wonderful, moreover also hard. We pare to find the meaning in our lives, but we can non accomplish it. There be many kinds of thoughts or philosophies of bread and butter; some think that life is already find out by God or unavoidableness when they were born, while others think that they get back what they do by themselves. In the stranger, Albert Camus creates Meursault as a protagonist, who does non think roughly anything deeply. Because of that, he can non really enjoy his life. However, finally, he thinks roughly his life when he faces death; he unfeignedly realized how to face to the sloshed world, and thus becomes Camus perfect empiric hero. Meursault is indifferent, and he thinks he absolutely enjoys each moment; however, the naturalism is he just wastes cadence and does non regular manage that. Meursault thinks that emotion is ridiculous because heap are controlled by it, and mourning or feeling drab is a waste of time. T hus, even when he faces his mothers death, he does not feel anything. He does not have interest in his mothers death, so he does not even know when his mother died. Maman died today. Or yesterday maybe, I dont know(3). Usually, ones mothers death operative and people think just about their lives through her death. notwithstanding though it is not his, and he knows that he can not find it, he should think about what his life sum from the relationship between death and life. However, it is thinkable that he does not vex about it too much(prenominal) because he can not do anything in her death, but he does not care about his marriage, too. He has a girlfriend, named Marie, and when she asked him to get married with her, he was still indifferent, Then she... If you motive to get a in full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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